Rotary District 6860


Training Page


Welcome to the Training Page. Here you will find training materials and self-teaching advice for DACdb and the RI website.


Learn what DACdb can do by clicking here.

If you are a club member (actually everyone should start here), then follow the link to Members Quick Start Guide to DACdb.

Once you've logged into DACdb, here is how to get more information.

Are you a Club President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications or other Officer/Officer-Elect? Navigate to the Support/Learning tab, click on DACdb Training, and then click on Officer Training.

Club Secretaries and Club Treasurers can find guidance on performing specific actions in the extensive HELP section. You can get there by selecting the Support/Learning tab and scrolling through the Help Topics in the left-hand frame.

Event managers, Club Officers, District leaders learn to use event management to communicate, register and manage your events(calendaring). Navigate to Calendar, Events & Meetings in Help Topics.

Club members, Chairs, Event Managers, Officers, District Leaders learn to use PMail to communicate more effectively including building PMail distribution lists.  Navigate to PMail in Help Topics.

Club President/ Secretaries activate RI Direct Connect by navigating to RI Integration in Help Topics.


RI website

The Rotary International website has a members only section called My Rotary. If you've never used it, you will need to Register by clicking on this link. Typically, Rotarians use their email address as their username.

Once you've registered, you can Login to My Rotary by clicking on this link.

Club members, Club leaders and District leaders:  Once you are registered, or any time you login, you can "hover" over or click on Manage (near the top of the My Rotary screen) and look of the left-hand side of the drop-down. There you will find a Club & District Administration list that provide information and resources on (among other topics) Club Administration and District Administration.

Club Presidents, Secretaries and Foundation Chairs: Access Rotary Club Central to enter planning data and track your progress.






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